SEAMUS 2: The Blog

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Status Report

All the filming so far has been quite a success. It's looking good. Here's a summary of what's ahead of us:

Here's what's left for filming:
Location - actors - other
I've sorted them into packages, that is, of scenes that have similar requirements. I've also listed an estimate time to complete each package. We should not lose too much momentum and work hard to do at least one "package" a week.

Andy, Kivel, Ego and I at my house ( 1 hr)
Scene 1 (last part) - My alley - Kivel, Andy, Ego, and myself - My Camry, Andy's car, guns, handcuffs

JP and Kivel at kivel's (30min)
Scene 2 - Kivel's living room - Kivel, JP - Dress, Ugly kid

Tim and Ricky around Kivel's house (1hr)
Scene 7 exterior - In front of Kivel's house - Ricky, Tim, Aidan, Steve, "other hijacker" - two cars, toilet paper, guns
Scene 11 - Kivel's Backyard - Ricky, Tim
Scene 10a (montage) - Tim and Kivel

The big Police Precinct scenes (2hrs)
Scene 3a - Kivel's Basement - Kivel, Karen, Steve, Aidan, Mr Kivel, Evan, Tom, Karl, Andy, and more - podium, flag, other police accoutrements
Scene 10 - Kivel's Basement - Steve, Aidan, Andy, Tom, Evan, Karl, Wit, Rico, other dancers,

Aidan, Steve, and Victor, in Aidan's house (1hr)
Scene 15 - Blue screen - Aidan and Steve
Scene 16 - Aidan's basement? - Aidan and Steve
Scene 21 - German future area (Aidan's basement?) - Aidan, Steve, Robot

Aidan, Steve, Tim, Ricky, and the Monsters at Steve's house (3 hrs)
Scene 17 - Steve's front yard - Aidan, Steve, Tim, Ricky, Dimension Monsters (big fite)
Scene 19 - Steve's front yard - Aidan, Steve, Tim

Kivel at the Beach (10 min?)
Scene 22 - Beach - Kivel

Then the Matrix stuff, which we'll put off for now.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Thursday - Victor's

This Thursday we are filming at Victor's. THE FBI SCENES - 14, 16, 18, 20, and 21. 4-6pm.

Me, Aidan, Ricky, Tim, and a bunch of extras will be needed.

Also - a severed hand and a rifle. And dot matrix paper.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Seamus 1 on DVD

Been working on the Seamus 1 DVD. here are some of the specs you can expect:

*Seamus: Chapter One - The Itchy Walrus (~48:00)
*"The Itchy Walrus" with feature length audio commentary by Kivel, Aidan, Steve, Pellikan, Shoomy, Evan, and Andy (~48:00)
*Trailers (One by Steve, one by Aidan)

*Seamus: The Exodus (documentary)... this will include interview and behind-the-scenes footage, and probably a bit of "Leave it to Stever"
*Seamus: The Original (restored version of the original 2002 short film)
*Alternate Flour Mill Scene
*Alternate Ending
*Full-length SuperHuman music video

(And more)

Hopefully, this will be released at the theatrical premiere of Seamus 2. Wherever that may be.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Ricky and Tim

Filming went well, got a lot done. No filming is currently scheduled. Hopefully we'll do something about that, but we realistically have only 3-4 days of shooting left.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Scene 1 Filming!

Good news - We actually got a lot of scene 1 done. The bad news is, we won't be able to finish it for a while, and when we do, it'll be rather hard to duplicate everything exactly. We'll work it out though.

We'll film tomorrow with Ricky and Tim. Hopefully, get most of their scenes done. 3, 6-8, 11, and 19 are all nominees.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I don't want to talk about it.

Scene 1 is tomorrow. 2:30-5pm at my house.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Tuesday the 4th

We filmed the indoor part of Scene 7 today.

Monday, July 03, 2006

The Next Two Weeks

It's looking like Aidan will be working after the next 2 weeks. So we'll do our best to get 90% of this shot by then. More on this later.

Today we filmed scenes 2a, 3c, and 5. A lot of good stuff with Evan and Mark, and 2 key scenes in the police office.

On Tuesday, the 4th, we'll be filming scene 7 early on, with Aidan and myself. Then maybe sheet shopping. Then fireworks.

Nothing on Wednesday.

Thursday night, we'll shoot scene 2 with JP in Kivel's house, hopefully. During the day, possibly something with Tim.

Friday afternoon, we shoot scene 1 with Ego and Andy. Hopefully, again.

Saturday and Sunday we'll try our hardest to get scenes 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 19, all of which include Tim and/or Ricky.

Monday thru Wednesday of next week, Kivel will possibly be out of town. Aidan and I will hop over to Victor's house to shoot the FBI scenes: 14, 16, 18, 20, and 21, which can probably all be done in one day.

After that, we've got two big days: the dimension monster/baron battling, scenes 17-18, which will take a lot. And then the combined press conference/dance sequence, scenes 3b and 10. they are on the same set and both require many extras, so we'll try to do those in one day. It will be quite hard to schedule these.

In the meantime, I'll try my hardest to call everyone in the cast and nail down when they can do what.

Filming tomorrow!


Sunday, July 02, 2006

This week's filming

So, Monday:

We're likely to film Scenes 3c, 5, and the in-house part of 7 with Aidan, Kivel, and Steve. This is about noon or so.

At about 5, Evan and Mark are coming to shoot scene 2a, the time travel documentary.
Evan and Mark: Scene 2a
Once we get that done, we can shoot scene 2 with JP in drag.

Andy, Kivel, Steve, Aidan, Mr. Kivel, Karen, Evan, Karl, Tom, and extras, in kivel's basement: Scene 3a (the big press conference)

After that, we bring in Ricky and Tim and really get to work.

I'll post tomorrow about filming.
