Monday, July 09, 2007

All in a Day's Work

What a day! 9am call. a new early-record for the Seamus franchise, I believe. And we still managed to run out of light! We filmed a secret scene with just Kivel. About $20 and a 20 mile drive went into about 45 seconds of footage. thats the only hint you get.

Then, lots of editing with Aidan and lots of footage of me, Ricky, Tim, and Mr. Roche. For scene 18 for you script-keepers. CJ swung by to help out - thanks go out to him! And heavy thanks to Ricky and Tim who had to run around in heat and rain all day for no money and did not complain! So thanks guys youre making Seamus 2 a very special project to work on.

Between the scene Aidan and I just finished the sound design on (the "Big Fite") and the chase sequence we were filming, I'm getting a lot of confidence that this will easily top the first film on almost any level. It's certainly gonna "looK" and "sound" a ton better, let alone a more developed plot, more relaxed running time, and bigger, better action.

Tomorrow and Wednesday nights - we film the big scene, 10. Wednesday we'll also try to get the prologue Meldrik shot, a quick reshoot for scene 3a, the two Kivel/Tim montages, and the carjacking scene (which we weren't able to get to today on account of too much location shooting for our camera battery to last).

Stay tuned!


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