Monday, July 03, 2006

The Next Two Weeks

It's looking like Aidan will be working after the next 2 weeks. So we'll do our best to get 90% of this shot by then. More on this later.

Today we filmed scenes 2a, 3c, and 5. A lot of good stuff with Evan and Mark, and 2 key scenes in the police office.

On Tuesday, the 4th, we'll be filming scene 7 early on, with Aidan and myself. Then maybe sheet shopping. Then fireworks.

Nothing on Wednesday.

Thursday night, we'll shoot scene 2 with JP in Kivel's house, hopefully. During the day, possibly something with Tim.

Friday afternoon, we shoot scene 1 with Ego and Andy. Hopefully, again.

Saturday and Sunday we'll try our hardest to get scenes 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 19, all of which include Tim and/or Ricky.

Monday thru Wednesday of next week, Kivel will possibly be out of town. Aidan and I will hop over to Victor's house to shoot the FBI scenes: 14, 16, 18, 20, and 21, which can probably all be done in one day.

After that, we've got two big days: the dimension monster/baron battling, scenes 17-18, which will take a lot. And then the combined press conference/dance sequence, scenes 3b and 10. they are on the same set and both require many extras, so we'll try to do those in one day. It will be quite hard to schedule these.

In the meantime, I'll try my hardest to call everyone in the cast and nail down when they can do what.

Filming tomorrow!



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